In many ways, this is the perfect bag. It's so functional with the hidden flap pocket, the front pockets handy for storing cell phones, lip stick, etc., and the roomy main compartment. It hangs nicely and stays on the shoulder very well. I wanted to like this bag, but unfortunately it had two major flaws which sealed my decision to send it back. First, the "textured leather" is a suede. From the pictures, it looked like it had some sort of metallic texture (and I do love the grey metallic color), but ultimately I wanted something more trans-seasonal. Second, there is a disclaimer on the tag that the color will wear off with time (I guess to increase the "aged" effect) and they recommended not wearing it with light color clothes that may fall victim to dye transfer. I was willing to pay this much for a bag, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my wardrobe, too. It's a shame because this really is a near-perfect bag. The leather stash bag on this site might be a better choice. It is smooth leather and it doesn't have dye transfer disclaimers on the tag. The dusty purple is beautiful and can easily be worn with almost any color. Thanks for easy returns, Logohoo.

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